About me
My Livorno
Nice to meet you! I am Gabriele Buffolino, a Front End Software Developer from Italy with 17 years of experience in the industry. I've always been passionate about my job and with this blog I want to share some bite sized experiences I lived and am living in my day by day. It can be a concept, an issue, a tricky thing, whatever pops off the top of my head.
I hope you will enjoy!
Just a bite more
I am currently working on the Front End side, but I don't disregard Full Stack skills, though. This is because being a developer should rhyme with being a software passionate, even though my experience in Back End development, Cloud, DevOps and Database is inferior.
I am no lone wolf and I always worked in a team, either Scrum or not. I appreciate pair programming and code reviews. My greatest professional achievements were reached being part of a cool team. Some of the best ex-colleagues of mine are now called friends.
I love code quality and I worked with TDD and ATDD methodologies combined. I don't like to mix legacy soups, but I am keen to work with legacy code and high volumes of technical debt if the goal is tackle and eventually get rid of it, also on a long term perspective. It happened that I was hired by companies exactly for that reason: get rid of their legacy stuff to introduce them to the wonderful world of modern web technologies. It was so satisfying!
Stay in touch!
You can have a look to my CV or check my socials/techy stuff 👇
Want to just say hi? Drop me a message, it will be a pleasure!